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Dead Sea

Sapphires For Israel

Aliyah, Immersion, & Anti-Semitism

Our Sapphires for Israel initiative is all about Israel advocacy and support. We advocate for Israel and the Jewish people by educating people on the Biblical significance of Israel and by standing against Anti-Semitism. We support Aliyah and immersion for the Jewish people making their way back to Israel and settling in their land.

Lamp & Light

Bible Distribution

Our Lamp & Light initiative is about providing Bibles to unsaved people around our world. The Bible tells us in Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” We believe that the coming of our Lord is near and there is an urgent need for Bibles so people can become saved.

Girl Holding BIble
Star of David

Sapphire Soldiers 

Prayer Network

Sapphire’s Soldiers is our prayer network that organizes groups in Canada, the United States and the Caribbean to pray for the nation of Israel, the Jewish people, and for lost souls around our world (Susan Seepersad & Merick Seepaul, Directors).

Bread Of Life

Feeding the hungry

Bread of Life is a feeding program that sponsors meals to the hungry people of the world. Surely, we cannot meet the spiritual needs of people, without first meeting their physical needs. Hunger is a serious problem facing many parts of the world. Our goal is to shine the light of Christ as we are guided by Isaiah 58:10, “If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.”

Fresh Loaf of Bread
Children Playing Tug of War

Little Sapphires

Children’s ministry

Little Sapphires is an initiative that focuses on the needs of children in poor counties around our world. Children need an education, clothing, shelters, toys, and all the comforts that children should enjoy. Children have a special place in our hearts; they are a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3). We want to invest in their lives because we know that if they are nurtured and blessed, they will hold fast their love for Christ when they become mature (Proverbs 22:6).

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